Can your battery-operated or 110 Volt smoke detector notify help in the event of an actual fire emergency?
A Dumont Security installed Smoke Detector can.
Home, Commercial & Industrial Alarm Systems
Upon detecting smoke or unusually high temperatures, the detector activates the security system siren to warn you of a possible fire while simultaneously alerting the Dumont Security Monitoring Facility to notify assistance.
FACT: "Statistics show that, on average, fire kills eight people each week in Canada, with residential fires accounting for 73% of these fatalities."
- Fire Prevention Canada
What is Carbon Monoxide?
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless, odourless, tasteless and toxic gas and is often referred to as the “silent killer”. When inhaled it inhibits the blood’s capacity to transport oxygen throughout the body. It can poison the body quickly in high concentrations, or slowly over long periods of time.
Carbon monoxide is produced when any fuel is incompletely burned.
Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are similar to flu-like illnesses and include dizziness, fatigue, headaches, nausea, and irregular breathing.
Carbon monoxide can leak from faulty furnaces or fuel-fired heaters or can be trapped inside by blocked chimney flues as well as running an engine in an attached garage.
Sump Pump Failure Warning Device
A must have device if you have a sump pump.
The OFL-331C is a float switch that is designed to detect rising water inside a sump well reservoir where there appears to be a pump failure.
An alarm is sent to our 24-Hour Monitoring Facility where the proper individuals are notified.
Can your battery-operated or 110 Volt smoke detector notify help in the event of an actual fire emergency?
A Dumont Security installed Smoke Detector can.
A must-have device if you have a sump pump.
The OFL-331C is a float switch that is designed to detect rising water inside a sump well reservoir where there appears to be a pump failure.
Heating system failure alarm
Honeywell's feature-rich TS300 was engineered to meet the demands of a wide range of applications. From florists and butchers to pet shops, computer centers and residences, the TS300 provides uncompromising performance.
Whether it is for home or business, indoor or outdoor, Wireless 1000 is the ideal choice for perimeter awareness.